Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Alzheimer's Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope

Alzheimer's Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope continues its five-year journey across the United States with a stop at Portland, Oregon's NW Quilting Expo.

This amazing traveling exhibit is a series of black walls, creating a walking maze, which consists of fifty-four small format art quilts (9" x 12") which all illustrate in a variety of ways and thematic emphasis, the impact that Alzhimer's Disease has had on the artists who created them. These small art quilts are hanging among 182 "Name Quilts," each 6 inches wide and 7 feet tall, which carry the names of more than 10,000 individuals who have/had Alzheimer's or a related dementia. The names of these loved ones, written on fabric patches by family members and friends, honor the 5.4 million Americans in the United States struggling with Alzheimer's disease.

As a volunteer for AAQI, with 13 family member names among the "Name Quilts" and two of my own small format art quilts among the 54 art quilts, I felt so personally connected to both this cause and to this exhibit.

Perhaps, that opinion is based on my having two of my own little small format art quilts on display, and the pride that I felt also viewing the two quilts from the members of my AAQI Liberated Quilting Challenge group.  But really and truly, there is a depth, and a breadth, and a far reaching scope to this exhibit that simply surpasses making beautiful quilts in an artistic fashion for a simple art challenge.

So, no matter how creative the other challenge exhibits might have been there..and I visited each and every single one and loved them....still, there was no comparison for viewing, and feeling, the hearts and the souls of true art quilters who create for a genuine cause of true purpose.  There is simply no comparison!

As I wandered through the maze shaped exhibit, I found myself both slowing down to truly feel the raw emotions the quilts evoked and then speeding up to not have to feel so painfully and personally, each and every step of the way.

You have to allow yourself to feel, but keep from going into the sheer tragedy of this disease and what it has done to your loved ones, yourself, and the dynamics of the entire family. And trust me, this is something that cannot be explained, but only felt through the tears and the ripped out and torn seams of the inner heart.

My first 'go through' was a quick one. We were early, and there were few visitors as I headed to this exhibit first. But the lovely and gracious docent, Sue, who was just plain 'great Scot' awesome at what she does, and the magic she contributed there, immediately connected with us, listened with an open heart to my own story, and before long, there was a group gathered around me to 'over hear' and 'over heart' my story.

As I looked at the faces of those viewing all of the quilts, one by one, I knew that each, and every person there had their own story... and my own heart opened to bursting.... so that I had to pull back just  a bit, in order to do what I had to do and both feel yet document this exhibit for all eternity within my own spirit.

But here, at Expo, in this exhibit, I wanted and needed to chronicle the journey through this exhibit. To see the quilts, and view the words..but also to take photos..as many as I could, so that others might find their own quilt online instead of just my own and those of the other two quilters of this group. More photos can be found at my own blog With Heart and Hands as I will also be posting there, and at my personal AAQI Quilting Blog, as well, where I share the huge, and amazing realization that I had as I viewed this exhibit.

It's important to me the share the 'walls' and the name quilts on them and surrounding our little art quilts, for the depth, and the breath, and the width, and the scope is all in the names.

During this display...you see many, many walls...here is my first quilt on my own first wall...

And below, my second quilt on my second wall....


And here is Julie Sefton's quilt on her wall....

And below is Jean-sophie Wood's wall...


***Our three Liberated Challenge quilters and their quilts are:

Michele Bilyeu:
Among the 47 quilts that I have donated so far, are two of my quilts that I feel so very blessed to have on display as part of this traveling exhibit. They are:

#5211 - Mama's Brain Got Tangles...but Mama's Still Inside

Michele M. Bilyeu
Salem, OR USA

Artist's Statement: Like my mother's memory, this art quilt consists of many layers, tangles, and threads...with spots of clarity and light hidden amidst the colorful (but often chaotic) surface layer.

Dedication: For my mother who continually pushes through the advancing layers and tangles of Alzheimer's with infinite grace and humor.

#6399 - The Alzheimer's Prayer
Michele Bilyeu
Salem, OR USA

Artist Statement: I grieve for the loss of my father, and honor his strength, determination, and fortitude in helping my mother face the challenges of her Alzheimer's. He lovingly cared for her, helped her to retell those memories she still retained, and brought forth the bits and pieces of her fragmented life. With this quilt and my own prayers, I pray that other care givers will have the same love and devotion that he had and care for their patients and loved ones, as the people they truly are...and not just who they seem to have become.

In honor and memory of my father, a loving care giver, and with the deepest love for my mother who is now in her fifth year of Alzheimer's. In spite of being blind, diabetic, and unable to walk, she still reaches out her heart to us with love.


Julie Sefton:
And our talented quilt make Julie Sefton, also from our Liberated Challenge group, who had created and donated 75 quilts to AAQI, not only made  has this beautiful quilt but has also contributed to the actual quilting of some of the purple name quilts, as well.

Julie Sefton
Bartlett, TN
Artist's Statement:
Her name was Lura. The middle child, she survived her older brother and younger sister. Lura was the first woman to work in the cost accounting department before becoming a full-time mother, homemaker, and to her great joy, a grandmother to five grandsons. As we watched the woman we loved slowly disappear beneath the relentless progression of Alzheimer's, we felt powerless. Now, I stitch for AAQI and remember.

Dedication: In honor and memory of my mother, Lura Irene Ash Walton (1916-2005).


Jean-sophie Wood:
And last but not least, Jean-sophie Wood contributed this little quilt. It is the only quilt she has donated to date, but it made this traveling exhibit and I hope it will challenge other quilters to make evne one quilt and donate it to this cause..because look at the impact that is possible!


Jean-sophie Wood
Dallas, TX USA

Artist's Statement: This piece was inspired by a tree in my backyard when I lived in Lansing, Michigan that tenaciously held onto it's last leaf through January, long after all the other leaves on all the other trees had fallen and been buried under the snow.

Dedication: For Charlie, an Irishman who lived around the corner, on the same floor as me in a an apartment building on the top of Nob Hill in San Francisco. I experienced him first as a friendly neighbor who always said hello whenever and wherever our paths crossed and later as someone who reacted in fear and confusion whenever I said hello to him. I didn't know what was going on with Charlie until the building manager told me that some family members had come from Ireland to take him back and care for him because of his Alzheimer's diagnosis.

"Alzheimer's Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope"
Click here to learn more about this extraordinary exhibit
and how you can bring it to your community.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

AAQI and The Gifts That Keep on Giving

Ami Simms recently shared the most amazing way of gifting AAQI Priority Quilts and the message they share with others.   

 She recently shared her nephew's trip abroad and how some very special gifts traveled with him in the AAQI Update blog:

<<Alzheimer’s Quilt Travel to Germany and France

 Click to view slideshow

"My nephew Reeves, age 16, has been studying flute for five years. Since 2009 he has been performing with the prestigious Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, located in Muskegon, Michigan.
This past June Reeves traveled with Blue Lake on a European tour with other students as part of a 50-piece concert band. After intensive practice at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, the group performed concerts in France, and Germany.
Students stayed with host families during the trip. Reeves wanted to give something heartfelt, meaningful, (and easy to transport in his backpack) as a gift to each of the seven host families he stayed with to thank them for their hospitality. His gifts? Priority: Alzheimer’s Quilts!"

If you want to give gifts of your own check out the

AAQI Celebrity Quilt Auction Plus AAQI Goodies to Buyl!!!

Quilts featured with their new families are:
5793-My Dreams Are Like… by Mariet Nieskens (Houston, TX)
6494-Rising Star by Betty Chalker (Tuscaloosa, AL)
7913-Dewey Leaves by Kathleen B. Helm (Pueblo, CO)
8100-I can Fly by Tove Sondergaard (Phoenix, AZ)
8887-Purple Cone Flowers by Mary Wright (Houston, TX)
That cute kid in the blue shirt is Reeves.
So let’s brainstorm: what other great occasions can you think of to give Priority: Alzheimer’s
Quilts? "Isn't this just the best? Talk about sharing gifts that keep on giving! Click to view the slide show with all of the quilts that Reeves brought along with him to France and Germany:

Friday, September 14, 2012

AAQI Liberated Quilts For Sale: Updated for 2013

Updated for 2013:

The amazing members of our own Liberated Quilting Challenge for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) have donated so many more small format art quilts that you really just need to take a long, admiring look...and then...think about buying one or two (or maybe even more!) of them.

And while our wonderful founder of AAQI, Ami Simms, is moving many of them onto the Quilts For Sale page. Or you can just hop on over to our own group page at:   Liberated Quilting Challenge

IF you see a little box by any that says : ADD TO CART...well, that means you can still buy it!!! Otherwise...sorry folks..some one beat you the little beauty!

8079 – Simply Tulips

8560 – My Mind Is Spinning

8569 – Fractured

8679 - Pink Reeds
8680 - Line Dried Sheets
8690 - Fade To Black ($60)
8699 - House of Love
8715 - Girl in Oval Crazy Quilt   ($60)
8738 - The Power of Transition   ($55)
8745 - Jacobean Partridge I   ($65)
8746 - Jacobean Partridge II    ($90)
8747 - Jacobean Poinsettia   ($90)
8748 - Peace on Earth   ($80)
8749 - Angel with Manger   ($60.05)
8750 - Hope Angel   ($89.62)
8751 - Joy Angel   ($69.28)
8757 - Little Blue Lamb   ($55)
8769 - Christmas Tree  ($55.43)
8772 - Number 20 for AAQI   ($41.57)
8774 - Hosanna!    ($60)
8798 - Wild Hearts
8825 - Frazzled ($55)
8827 - Christmas Star  ($32.33)
8828 - Water On Mars ($32.33)
8829 - 55 Alive Grandmother's Fan  ($55.43)
8835 - Traveling Santa
8838 - Christmas Time
8953 - Don't Worry, Spiders ($75.00)
8954 - Let Me Entertain You ($70.00)
8979 - Jingle Brains   ($45)
8988 - Hint of Spring   ($36.95)
8995 - Be Yourself    ($155)
9041 - Bubbles    ($40)
9043 - Blues and White
9044 - Crystal Blue Persuasion   ($80)
9125 - Change and Transition  ($175)
9199 - A New Vision  ($69.28)
9216 - Christmas Sampler   ($50)
9217 - Snowflake ($41.57)
9218 - Fall Bargello  ($41.57)
9230 - Whirligig Roundup    ($60)
9231 - Whirligig   ($65)
9260 - Cowboys & Cowgirls   ($45)
9270 - All Day Long   ($$65)
9277 - Can You See Me?   ($65)
9285 - Heart Felt
9372 - Good Day/Bad Day   ($40)
9400 - A Dream Within A Dream
9434 - Sittin' Pretty   ($115)
9436 - Falling Leaves    ($41.57)
9437 - The 20's With A Twist    ($145)
9443 - Pretty Bird   ($50.81)
9462 - Rose Of Sharon   ($60.05)
9463 - Red Heart Whirled   ($70)
9467 - Crazy for Citrus   ($50)
9471 - Fishies   ($41.57)
9472 - Cotton Candy and Apricot
9500 - Fine Feathered Friend   ($125)
9529 - Solids with Yumi   ($65)
9530 - Jazzy
9531 - Swimmin' Under the Starlight
9532 - Uncharted Area
9533 – Swimmin’ in the Wonderland
9534 - Love
9564 - Leave The Light On   ($50)
9565 - Love Shacks   ($50)
9581 - Warm and White
9621 - I Believe In...Childhood Innocence  ($50.81)
9622 - Puttin' on the Glitz  ($64.67)
9624 - Lucy's Last Tea Party  ($60.05)
9625 - The Wave
9648 - Changing the World   ($90)
9654 - Scottie  ($50)
9697 - Lollipoppies  ($69.28)
9716 - Tau Tangles  ($60.05)
9726 - Rough Around the Edges
9736 - Mother   ($85)
9736 - Mother   ($85)
9738 - Birdcage  ($69.28)
9740 - Balloons in Autumn
9744 - Come On Get Happy   ($45)
9759 - Rays
9769 - Bright Spot   ($35)
9780 - Leaves
9917 - Steps to the Cabin
9918 - Tiny Bits I
9919 - Tiny Bits II
9920 - Lazy Logs
9921 - A Simple Basket
9922 - Crazy Basket
9923 - Tiny Treasures
9924 - Itty Bits
9934 - Six of One   ($100)
9935 - Hokey Pokey   ($155)
9936 - Strata Various   ($100)
9937 - Enigma Variation   ($100)
9938 - This Is It   ($100)
9943 - Pale Rose  ($100)
9944 - Lucky In Love   ($85)
9991 - Tranquil Landscape
9992 - Tied Together By Love   ($55)
9998 - Crossed Circuits   ($75)
9999 - Bright Featherweight Trees  ($36.95)
10,000 - Shhhh . . .   ($55)
10,006 - One World, One Shared Challenge ($50.81)
10,026 - The House on the Hill
10,027 - Scratch Art in Thread   ($60)
10,028 - Tribute to G. C. ($46.19)
10,029 - Just A Peek   ($46.19)
10,030 - Tranquility  ($41.57)
10,054 - Peach Wine
10,055 - Good Morning, Sunshine
10,056 - A Brand New Day
10,058 - Liberated 9-Patch
10,107 - Experience    ($50)
10,108 - Gees Bend Christmas  ($23.09)
10,109 - Good and Plenty
10,110 - Crazy Summer Fun
10,111 - Butterfly Wings   ($35)
10,112 - Nine Patch Tilt
10,113 - Spider Webs  ($32.33)
10,114 - Log Cabin in the Woods #2    ($45)
10,115 - Devoted  ($36.95)
10,116 - Unconditional Love  ($41.5)
10,117 - Williamstown Church  ($27.71)
10,118 - Redwork Memories  ($36.95)
10,119 - All Skate   ($35)
10,120 - Whimsy  ($32.33)
10,121 - Mammaw's Singer
10,122 - Friendship Star
10,123 - Fragments
10,124 - Sparks
10,152 - Good To The Last Scrap
10,172 - Live Laugh Love
10,175 - Cheery
10,195 - Monstera
10,196 - Purple Stained Glass
10,197 - Spring Has Come
10,198 - Sunny Garden
10,199 - Rosy
10,200 - Tiny Trees ($32.33)
10,201 - Tomato, Tomahto
10,202 - Pear Still Life    ($46.19)
10,203 - Purple Power ($46.19)
10,204 - Mod Garden ($60.05)
10,268 - Veiling Tangles
10,271 - Unleaving
10,275 - I Remember When They Invented the Etch-A-Sketch and the Hula Hoop
10,277 - Extra - Extra ($45.00)
10,278 - Faith   ($50)
10,279 - Arise? or Descend?   ($40)
10,281 - Longing For Freedom    ($64.67)
10,294 - Solar Flare ($70.00)
10,489 - Flower for You  ($41.57)
10,554 - Swallowtail  ($46.19)
10,556 - Under The Rainbow ($50)
10,576 - Murphy
10,577 - Celebrate  ($55.43)
10,578 - Maggie's Quilt  ($32.33)
10,579 - Elephant Walk
10,680 - Ethereal ($55.43)
10,690 - Ohhh Myyy!    ($45)
10,691 - The Latest News ($45.00)
10,692 - Fishy Fishy in the Sea   ($46.19)
10,702 - Blossoms  ($46.19)
10,863 - Sugar Skull  ($64.67)
10,884 - Tiny Tumblers ($55.43)
10,906 - String Fling
11,057 - A Christmas Tree Farm  ($36.95)
11,065 - Kitties In A Hat
11,083 - Iris Dreams I   ($40)
11,086 - Song of the Hills ($75.00)
11,090 - Remember The Reason
11,091 - Testing The Waters
11,172 - Shine ($60.00)
11,173 - In The Garden ($55.43)
11,180 - Blue Chair
11,226 - Slice of Summer ($41.57)
11,228 - Everything Turns To Black ($41.57)
11,242 - Tic Tac Yo
11,245 - Road Knights    ($36.95)
11,315 - Itty Bitty Blooms
11,316 - Peace
11,317 - Zippy Christmas
11,318 - Stringin' on a Star
11,372 - At Peace In My Garden
11,375 - Circles Within
11,376 - You Don't Say   ($50)
11,377 - Flying Pink Pig
11,378 - Shades of Purple
11,379 - Bird House
11,380 - Roses
11,424 - Double Chocolat  ($41.57)
11,438 - Iris Dreams II ($41.57)
11,450 - Free Wheeling
11,451 - Grace
11,452 - Kyoto Pinwheel
11,453 - Girl Wonder
11,454 - Muser
11,455 - The Year of Diamond Jubilee 2012
11,456 - In Harmony
11,457 - That's My Girl
11,470 - Batiking Me Crazy
11,471 - A Tisket, A Tasket
11,472 - It's Not All Black and White ($36.95)
11,473 - Apple Of My Eye ($32.33)
11,474 - Study in Solids ($36.95)
11,499 - It All Comes Out In The Wash ($41.57)
11,534 - Blue Hoo
11,547 - Tunnel Vision ($46.19)
11,553 - Snow Posies  ($50.81)
11,595 - Polar Bear Wishes
11,596 - Mucho Money
11,597 - Modern Mini  ($32.33)
11,598 - Cosmic  ($36.95)
11,599 - Butterfly Log Cabin  ($23.09)
11,600 - Cornflower Basket  ($13.86)
11,601 - Country Garden  ($41.57)
11,602 - Get Out and Vote  ($32.33)
11,603 - Love Those Red Hats  ($32.33)
11,604 - Touch of Red  ($32.33)
11,605 - Tiny Stars in the Pink
11,606 - Hopscotch Party  ($32.33)
11,683 - Giving Light
11,689 - Kansas Troubled Rails
11,690 - Civil War Remembrance
11,733 - Uneven Bars ($78.52)
11,734 - C for Curiosity ($60.00)
11,735 - Sealed With a Smile ($60.00)
11,861 - Red Hat Gal
11,862 - Somebody Loves You ($70.00)
11,863 - Patchwork Pete In Disguise   ($45)
11,879 - Miss Sam
11,880 - Mom's Favorite Colors
11,881 - Deep Dark Forest
11,882 - Namaste ($40.00)
11,883 - Spooky Treats ($40.00)
11,896 - Meadow Dancer ($55.00)
11,898 - Floating
11,899 - Triangles
12,080 - Butterfly Is Free
12,094 - Bouquet
12,095 - Tranquility
12,096 - Hip To Be Square
12,110 - Lace and Blocks
12,153 - Pumpkin Patchwork
12,154 - Picnic Party
12,160 - Lady Buggy
12,271 - Tumbling Blocks On Stage
12,272 - Flowers Galore
12,278 - Couldn't Be Prouder
12,299 - Zinfandel #1
12,300 - Zinfandel #2   ($60)
12,307 - Home is Tropical
12,338 - Hardanger Helper ($40.00)
12,339 - Squaresville
12,614 - Imperfectly Perfect in Every Way!
12,678 - Thankful ($65.00)
12,699 - Departure
12,700 - Symphony
12,701 - Together
12,702 - Gleam of Hope
12,703 - I'm a Proud Quilter
12,704 - I'm a Wild Quilter
12,705 - Blueberry Bliss
12,706 - Topsy Turvy Triangles
12,707 - Cottage On The Beach ($50.00)
12,725 - Red Star Spinner
12,726 - H is for Heart
12,727 - Tulips For My Heart
12,744 - Doodles ($50.00)
12,767 - Bargello #1
12,768 - Bargello #2 ($40.00)
12,817 - Old Lace
12,818 - Wilkommen
12,819 - Yellow Callas
12,820 - Calla Nebula
12,835 - Color Bars
12,859 - Solid Ties
12,904 - Keep in Touch ($100.00)
12,905 - String Quartet
12,906 - Topmost Twig ($225.00)
12,907 - La Ronda ($150.00)
12,908 - Streaming Corsa ($85.00)
12,909 - Arpeggio ($125.00)
12,918 - The Beginning
12,976 - Attic Window Posy ($65.00)
13,030 - Dandy Lion ($50.00)
13,059 - Birches Among The Flowers
13,060 - Light Through The Windows
13,165 - Sugar Skull Tres ($70.00)
13,166 - Sugar Skull Quattro ($70.00)

Links to this post:
  1. Liberated Quilting Challenge: AAQI Liberated Quilts For Sale!!!!

    6 days ago – The amazing members of our own Liberated Quilting Challenge for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) have donated so many more small ...
    You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 9/15/12
  2. My AAQI Quilting Blog: Lift Up Your Spirit with the "Song of the Hills"

    Sep 5, 2012 – I made this small format Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) donation during a difficult time. A time when I sought solace in beauty, in nature, ...
    You visited this page on 9/3/12.
  3. My AAQI Quilting Blog: What is the AAQI QAM?

    Jun 17, 2012 – The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative 's (AAQI) QAM (Quilt-A-Month Club) is a challenge for individuals to support the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative ...
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska and all of her AAQI Quilting. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!