Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative June auction has begun and I am so delighted to have another one of my quilts in this month's group of selections. This one is representative of what I like to call "Healing Hearts" quilts....filled with the power and the testament of the spiritual energies of love in action....the very symbolism of my own heart and hands and all that means to me.

Please visit the
AAQI June Auction website and see all of the other lovely quilts available this month. Bids open at $40 and go up in small increments thereafter. Now, it is possible to state your highest offer and have an auto bid up to that point. And please, please, are not just buying a little art quilt donated by all of are also making a charitable donation with all profits going to fund Alzheimer's research! And if you think that doesn't make a here about how one of our $30,000 grants last year made a huge impact in the research on this dreadful disease.

Bids are open today, June 1st and the auction runs until June 10th when it ends at 10:00 p.m Thank you for just checking out our auction, but an extra big thank you for considering a bid or purchase!
Salem OR USA
Width: 12" Length: 9"

Materials/Techniques: Cotton fabrics, inkjet printing, thread painting, and free motion quilting.

Artist Statement: Each of us must face many challenges in our lifetime. The ability to go through those challenges is often catalyzed by a deep inner strength we didn't realize we possessed. It is this 'spark of heavenly fire' that both lights the path ahead and empowers us to blaze forward with faith, perseverance, and fortitude.

Dedication: For anyone and everyone who has faced life's challenges and learned more about themselves and their inner strength in that process.

Why I Quilt for AAQI
Why I Started the AAQI: Liberated Quilting Challenge
See all of our Liberated Challenge Quilts to date on their own AAQI webpage
Art Quilters Finance New Alzheimer’s Discovery!
Traveling Exhibit Premiers (and I am so blessed to have two quilts in this exhibit!)
Youtube Exhibit Video

The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI)

Why I Quilt for AAQI
Why I Started the AAQI: Liberated Quilting Challenge
See all of our Liberated Challenge Quilts to date
Art Quilters Finance New Alzheimer’s Discovery!
Traveling Exhibit Premiers
Youtube Exhibit Video

Get the latest news about the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative: AAQI BLOG!
For more frequent news follow the AAQI on FaceBook and Twitter.

Michele Bilyeu can be found at: